Starting March 2015, 足球外围买球靠谱平台市将对新兴科技企业免除最多三年的占用税. 足球外围买球靠谱平台市新兴技术营业税减免计划的目的是鼓励或维持足球外围买球靠谱平台市某些类型职业或专业的精选企业或从业人员.
属于第15-O-1078号条例所列NAICS代码及/或SIC代码的新兴科技业务(见下文), have registered in the past 3 years or sooner, 并且报告的收入低于100万美元,将从新营业执照颁发之日起三(3)年内免除职业税和某些行政费用.
NAICS Codes | Description | SIC Codes | Description |
5112 | Software publishers |
7373 |
Software Publishers |
5413 | 建筑、工程及相关服务 |
8714 8715 |
Engineering Services Architectural Services |
3342 | Communications equipment manufacturing |
3670 |
Communication Equipment Manufacturing |
5179 | Other telecommunications | 4900 | Telecommunications |
5182 | Data processing, hosting, and related services |
7375 7376 |
Data Processing Services Data Processing Systems |
5415 | Computer systems design and related services |
3572 3575 |
Computer Storage Computer Terminals
3254 | Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing |
2835 2836 |
Medicinal & Botanical Medicine Manufacturing |
3341 | Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing | 3843 | Electro Appartatus Manufacturing |
3344 | 半导体及其他电子元件制造 |
3674 |
Semiconductor Manufacturing |
3364 | Aerospace product and parts manufacturing | 3721 | Aircraft Manufacturing |
5161 | Internet publishing and broadcasting |
2712 8998 |
Internet Publishing Internet Broadcasting |
5181 | 互联网服务提供商和网络搜索门户 | ||
5417 | Scientific research and development services |
8716 8730 8731 8733 8735 |
Surveying Services R&D Social Sciences & Humanities R&D Commercial BioTech R&D Non-Commercial Sciences Research, Development, Test Labs |
了解更多关于如何申请足球外围买球靠谱平台市营业执照 here. 申请可在网上或向税务局申请, 55 Trinity Avenue SW, Suite 1350, Atlanta, GA 30303.
足球外围买球靠谱平台市目前不接受营业执照申请. 公司很快就可以通过在线门户网站提交申请,而不是在办公室提交申请.
公司在申请足球外围买球靠谱平台市营业执照时,自动被考虑为新兴技术企业免税. 资格是根据概述的要求确定的.
年总收入低于1美元的公司,000,000 in high technology, life sciences, information technology, intellectual property, 以及上述NAICS代码所指示的其他相关领域.
Yes, 所有参与的企业必须在每年2月15日前更新其营业执照(年度营业税申报表), even if they do not owe taxes due to the waiver. 不提交将使你的企业丧失豁免资格.
参与的企业将在经营的第一年后提交年度营业税申报表. 如果回报表明业务超过了1美元,000,000的收入门槛才有资格成为小企业, 那么企业将不符合资格,并将欠最初被免除的税收.
如果您对新兴技术业务豁免有其他问题, please contact Atlanta 311 by dialing 3-1-1.